Hydrostatic Pressure Testing
Plastic pipes and piping systems are designed for a minimum lifetime of at least 50 years. Â This requires long term testing in order to qualify the pipe material. Â Impact have a full pipe evaluation laboratory, and we are specialised in pipe construction evaluation and long term hydrostatic strength.
Impact Solutions are a renowned test laboratory, accredited to ISO 17025 and a UKAS accredited laboratory for pressure pipe testing.  We can perform a number of different tests, including ISO 9080, ISO 1167 and ISO 13479, with experience working with a wide range of polymers including HDPE, PP, PVC, ABS, PVDF, nylon, PEEK and more recently Polyketones.

ISO 9080:2012

Hydrostatic pressure testing is used to determine a 50 year life time period.  Pipes achieving 10Mpa are designated as PE100 grades, and 8Mpa as PE80 grades.
Pipes are held at varying pressures at 3 different temperatures and held till failure.  impact have 225 test stations available for this test on our purpose built pressure pipe rig.
We are fully independent, working with a number of the big names in the pipe industry and all work is conducted under strict confidentiality.