Erasmus students hoping to make an impact at impact

impact have accepted two students from the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) for an 8-week placement, through the student exchange programme Erasmus (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students).

Erasmus is a student exchange programme designed to build your experience in culture, education and character. A student may apply to attend a similar course or related placement which tends be located within a different country.

impact would like to welcome Maltese students, Thomas Triganza (21) and Tom Abela (19). They are both in their second year of studying BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology at MCAST.

Thomas has previously worked for a chemical company with an interest in rubber.  He is now looking to gain a better understanding of plastics and the plastics industry. Tom has previously worked for Playmobil, Malta, so is looking to learn more about testing plastics and specifically the process behind polymer science. Both students have never visited Scotland before, however Tom does play the bagpipes so already has a connection.

As well as getting involved in some mechanical testing within the laboratory, a major part of their time will be involved in development projects currently underway at impact. These projects will be based around non-destructive testing of pipe joints and development of fire resistant composites.


Erasmus students Thomas & Tom will be working closely with our impact technicians and polymer scientists. (l-r: Les Rose, Tom Rose, Tom Abela, Thomas Triganza, Michail Kalloudis and Surya Vesavkar.)

During their erasmus placement, Thomas and Tom, both hope to learn and absorb as much industry experience as they can, from observing to carrying out some plastic testing of their own. They are also looking forward to getting a sense of working abroad and the travelling experience.

impact solutions welcome you to our team and hope you enjoy your placement with us!

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