ISO 14851 : Aerobic Biodegradation in Aqueous Medium
ISO 14851 is the determination of the degree of aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials, polymers, and additives.
What does ISO 14851 standard test method involve?
ISO 14851 measures the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer, for the determination of the degree of aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials, polymers, and additives. The test material is exposed in an aqueous medium under laboratory conditions to an inoculum from activated sludge.
Activated sludge is the biomass produced in the aerobic treatment of wastewater by the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.
The test simulates the biodegradation processes which occur in a natural aqueous environment.
The method applies to the following materials:
— Natural and/or synthetic polymers, copolymers, or mixtures thereof.
— Plastic materials which contain additives such as plasticizers, colorants, or other compounds.
— Water-soluble polymers.
What to expect from this testing?
What to expect from this testing?