PV 3929 : Automotive Weathering Standards
PV 3929 Volkswagen. Non-metallic materials – weathering in dry, hot climate.
A standard for testing the ageing behaviour of plastics (such as a change in colour and/or gloss), which are likely to be subjected to weather and daylight. Samples undergo an accelerated weathering programme of a dry, hot climate and are irradiated using xenon arc light.
Filters shall be used to adapt the xenon arc light to the global irradiation with its spectral distribution of ultraviolet and visible radiation. The test conditions each describe a year cycle, with close reference to the average dose of UV radiation of nm in dry heat, climate zones such as Arizona and South Africa.
NOTE: Additional tests may be required, along with visual evaluation, if the ageing causes changes in the mechanical properties and/or cracking. Further tests may include tensile tests, determination of impact resistance, determination of hardness and microscopic examinations.